Überzeugen Sie sich von unseren Leistungen bei Christal Cosmetics und rufen Sie uns noch heute an! 0207 732 58 00

Our salon offers safe, gentle, and effective permanent hair removal by Licensed Electrologist.
We offer treatment with the Sterex SX-B epilator for unrivaled comfort and speed.
The blend method or shortwave is used with excellent results
and to ensure accurate insertions of the probe, loupes are used for intense magnification of each single hair.
Question: How successful is this treatment and what is the average time to remove hair permanently?
Answer: Electrolysis is a progressive treatment. Overnight results should not be expected as the hairs will weaken over time. It is difficult to say exactly how long this will take as there are several deciding factors but we will be able to discuss this and give estimates during your initial consultation.
Question: Is it possible to have hair removed by electrolysis on breasts if you have recently had a breast enlargement?
Answer: We advise discussing this with a medical professional prior to visiting the salon for treatment.
Question: I have unwanted hair around my nipples and just below my navel and was enquiring whether electrolysis would be suitable to treat these areas?
Answer: Yes, electrolysis is effective at treating the hairs around the nipples and navel area.
Question: How much would it cost for electrolysis treatment of the bikini line, and how many treatments are needed on average?
Answer: Treatments last 15-20 minutes. It is difficult to say exactly how long this will take as there are several deciding factors such as hair strength and the total area covered but we will be able to discuss this and give estimates during your initial consultation.